You can quit.

Welcome to Quit with Nancy

Nancy is an ex-smoker and has worked with over 16,000 smokers and chewers in live programs. Thousands have shared their stories with her and she has listened. Her online tobacco cessation program is unlike anything you’ve ever tried before.

Have access from your physician, hospital, or employer?

Create an account and enter your Enrollment Key that was sent to you from your tobacco cessation coach or group leader. You’ll be able to access the course once you’ve registered. 

Already registered and seeing a cost for the course? Click Log In at the top of the page, you are likely already registered. 

Ready to Quit Smoking?

Our program is different. No matter how many times you’ve failed, we can help.

If you have not been referred by your physician, hospital, or employer and are ready to get started, click the affirmation below to get enrolled in the course.

Already started your journey? If you are seeing an error code with your registration key, just try logging in below.